Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dizziness And Nausea Caused By Tampons

Israel has again executed defenseless Palestinians

together salam,

the Israeli army has recently executed a defenseless old man in bed with his 11 shots, while his wife held the gun barrel to his head. A completely inhuman action of the supposedly most moral army in the world, which is by no means unusual. Although Israel officially denies executions as punishment in their country allow, but they make no great secret that they use it constantly in order to remove political opponents from the road.

The most famous case was this more recently the assassination of Hamas official Mahmoud el Mabhouh in Dubai last year, particularly for Caused a sensation. Within Palestine, however, no such executions are rare, not only for the Israeli army and police executed, but also of radical Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Although such acts were prohibited by law and are victims of violence themselves Jewish Israelis, the perpetrators would certainly have a serious legal process count against him. If it is, however, to non-Jewish Palestinians, the perpetrators usually have nothing to fear. When particularly high-profile cases sometimes initiated several mock trials that prove the innocence of 100% of the perpetrators, or, alternatively, they diminished responsibility should provide. This was the case today, the example of two Israeli policemen who pulled a seriously injured sick Palestinians from an Israeli hospital and have it in front of a border post with the West Bank can die two days before he died. What crime had he committed? He had staked his incredible crime to go as a poor West Bank residents on the Israeli border wall in order to earn some dirty work Scheckel. His pitch was that he severely injured in an Israeli hospital, landed him where Israeli policemen also literally dragged by the hair, as it would be a lower being. The police arrived but before this court, but of course the case was still hostile to them.

The soldiers of the Israeli elite unit "that a 65-year-old man who lay helpless in bed with his 11 shots have murdered, probably not expect any consequences. Inscribed is that they are "special unit super" for such a cowardly bomb attack on a defenseless same ne need than on the Mavi Marmara one of these "Israel's elite combat troops" was used, they have also killed nine unarmed Turkish activists. Apparently, the only special education Israeli elite units is that unarmed defenseless people to murder. Against the Palestinian guerrilla in Gaza, they have not married in the city. The Israeli army spokeswoman

deplored the "accidental execution," it was actually a relative of his who was dismissed as Hamasfunktionär recently from a Palestinian prison in the West Bank.

I consider this statement by the Israeli army for a baseless impertinence, as if such a cowardly execution of a political activist of Hamas would have been in some way justified. Such an execution is inhuman and excuse by anything, even more so when they are political activists!


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