Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bridal Shower Invitations Requesting Money

Hosni Mubarak last Brigard

As-Salamu aleykum and Hello!

short, I wanted to make you aware of the current situation in Egypt. Since yesterday, "Pro-Mubarak" thugs known as the opposition appeared. However, these were very fast as intelligence agents and civilian police made identifiable. Insider reports that the Egyptian government is buying these "mercenaries" who for 500 Egyptian pounds (about 62 €) demonstrate a day on the streets of Cairo for Mubarak. This surfaced mass of intelligence and civilian police are equipped to arms, which have been found in "Anti-Mubarak protesters" since the beginning of the demonstrations before. Thus, only the night before (!) Over 10 "Anti-Mubarak protesters" shot and injured is estimated that over 1500! These organized groups of thugs have tried yesterday also in a lot of hundreds of thousands of protesters assail-with over 40 horses and camels on the Tahrir Square in Cairo to create panic. The result, which, thank God, failed, since one of these criminals tore her womb animals would have to imagine any can that has followed the last Love Parade result ...

Which atrocities both the Egyptian police, and pro-Mubarak thugs in the last days of peaceful protesters can be seen here:

03:02:11 Thursday, police
races in the middle of peaceful protest:
http:/ /

02:02:11 Wednesday,
pro-Mubarak protesters praying troops stone:

Saturday 29.01.11, Police
praying Muslims attacked:

Insider reports that the revolutionaries plan tomorrow on Friday, after the Muslim Friday prayers 4:02:11 a huge march straight toward the President's palace. May Allah help them.


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