Monday, December 27, 2010

Chances Another World War

Gaza-Israel war crimes Reloaded

salam together

during the two year anniversary of the massacre of Gaza on 27/12/2008, I want to make you aware of a book that I will now also include in our list of recommended reading. It's called " Gaza. - The war crimes Israel "by Andrea Ricci

The book illuminates the Israeli military action mostly from the perspective of those affected by the well-organized Israeli propaganda machine not even arrived in the Arab television really speak out about the. Western media reports, I need hardly lose a word. The highlight of Israeli propaganda work on the recruitment of German political figures like Joschka Fischer and Angela Merkel, who dared to even on New Year's night was outspoken in her New Year's speech and openly taking sides for Israel by the text requirements of the Israeli embassy read. In view of the hundreds talk to dead people in Gaza of "cause and effect" was a baseless impertinence. And for precisely these people who are in their entirety right here, anonymously in Germany is it in this book. At last they have their say and we get insights into the fate of individuals, that lies behind the glitz of zero at the "Palestinian collateral damage".

Sorry God, we are now back in Gaza unprovoked aggression against Israel. Provoke the Israelis caused by daily bombing of selected targets a new escalation. So far, representatives of Hamas called on Israel and to respect the ceasefire and expressed gesmte the world that they have no interest in a have another war, although they were well equipped for such. The Israelis refer to their justification as usual on alleged "rocket fire from Gaza," which was absolutely no consequence. The Israelis acknowledged that the "rocket fire" went out not by Hamas, but militants from other factions, Hamas won and made responsible, as they would have the "sovereignty" over the Gaza Strip. Obviously, limited the term "Palestinian sovereignty" from an Israeli perspective, only taken to ensure Israel's security. Because when it comes to Palestinian travel and trade freedom in Gaza is, or to own the sovereignty of Palestinian land in the West Bank, it does not really seem to be respected by Israel. So why should Hamas do well lifting a finger, just to prevent anybody out any fire bombs over the prison walls of the Greater concentration camp Gaza Strip to throw?

Israel attempts by the bloody sword in front of Gaza breeds and may even distract a potential war on the population of Gaza from their destructive attitude in the peace process. And so we stand two years after the last Gaza possibly before a new one. Happy New Year Gaza ...


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