Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cost To Remove A Dogs Tail

Palestine - 6 wishes for the new year

Video of the Week

As-Salamu aleykum and Hello!

This short video is originally from the human rights organization BT'selem. The Jewish activists BT'selem have on their homepage ( ) lots of photos, videos and reports on the passing of the Israeli occupation against Palestinians. Often, the organization distributed cameras to residents of the West Bank and Gaza which are to film their daily confrontations with them. Came out, very frightening documentaries which menschenrechtverachtende the life of a "non-Israelis in Israeli-Palestinian mixed cities, not everything into question. On occasion I will publish a pair of these authentic video here. Of course, everything was as German version, translated as was I, the current video.

I also wish all the readers, colleagues and citizens schonmal the best for 2011.

6 wishes for the new year.
What are the others, you can see in the video ;-)


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