solidarity with the Egyptian people together salam,
the latest developments in the Arab world have an era of unchallenged power, post-colonial, complete generally pro-Western dictators. Apparently, the revolution in information society through the Internet increase awareness of people about the injustice that is expected of them from their despot. Naked revelations and investigative journalism set without exception, the governments of this world and reveal just what grievances behind the scenes and often hide "patriotic fronts".
The ongoing Tunisian revolution would be without the Internet and alternative media would never have arisen. Through the free and unfiltered dissemination of news about abuses, corruption and injustice done to the people, a wave of outrage in the Arab street has been set in motion, the one Ben Ali literally washed out of his office. The people could change his mind and individual citizens, small as it would otherwise occur in life, realized that he could achieve something. While at the beginning of the Tunisian police on their own people and fired it so came to many dead and injured, they expressed their solidarity with their people at the weekend in demonstrations with the phrase "We do not come from the moon, we are your sons." They now demand a complete investigation of Todesschüße and joined the demands of their people.
by Wikileaks, Aljazeera and co arrive almost weekly new revelations and scandals of the various regimes in the Middle East to light, especially its close alliances with Europe, the USA and Israel. It is increasingly clear how little the governments of the interests of their peoples, as much more the auslädnischer powers and investors represented. So it is hardly surprising that the two Arab states that threaten to implode next, Algeria and Egypt. Both countries have pro-Western despots as a leader believed to be loyal partner of the West and organize their business faithfully the requirements of foreign investors and the World Bank. This means each of the high profits for a very thin layer of a selected elite of the people, while the masses starved. Thus now after the Tunisian model already ignited several young people in Egypt and Algeria Regierungsgebeäuden and engaged in street battles with the police. For tomorrow, the 25th January has been on Facebook a group of Egyptian activists arranged a demo "by Tunisian model" to organize and call internatinonal for moral concern. be
In Palestine in these days of explosive documents published by Aljazeera, which prove that the guide made by Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, completely opposite of the will of the Palestinian people irresponsible concessions to the Israelis. In the so-called peace talks they should have given up parts of East Jerusalem and the right of return of Palestinians to and who agreed to recognize the Jewish character of Israel. It is clear that at least in the West Bank, the Government, as in other Arab countries, far away from his people and should therefore govern actually lose their legitimacy,! The documents also show desübrigen how unwilling Israel is to accept some form of resolution of the conflict, no matter how hard you meet them.
In the above video you can see an example, how can discharge the anger of the Palestinian people. It is to the visit of French Foreign Minister in Gaza, which was previously very solidarity with the Israeli prisoner Gilad Shalit. Rightly so angry with the people's minds, given the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinians in Israeli captivity are wrong, but denied that such a homage and recognition remains. I doubt that the Foreign Minister the name of even one Palestinian prisoner knows. Thus welcomes to the Palestinian people of Gaza with rotten eggs, stones and shoes. A treatment that would have earned the government in Ramallah!