Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sony Dvd Recorder Rdr-hxd99

"Palestine Valley of the Wolves" in the tunnel world

Video of the Week

As-Salamu aleykum and Hello!

Last night, I have translated this 20-minute documentary to German and uploaded. As far as I know there are no German documentation that shows a glimpse of the infamous tunnels that are dug from Gaza to Egypt. Therefore, I wanted to share this with you.

man have to imagine the times ...
Gaza, a little hungry land with incredible 1.5 million, between 8 feet high walls stine fibers imprisoned, Pal?. Neither food nor medicine, or the simplest items such as cement, wheelchairs, computers, home appliances etc. come through - and if so, then only in small and limited quantities. So what makes a distressed man, when the borders are closed and circling around over my head only Israeli F-16 bombers and Apache? He budellt his way to freedom, if there are no other options. And that one must understand the seriousness of the situation finally. The people in a huge prison - even in a ghetto - are locked up. have no work, have no food, the most basic diseases, such as a cold, miserable must die, because to them, at the border, the necessary drugs. What has this man, after he has been separated from the outside world, even for an election, as his own fate to take in hand?
day every day there are Israeli air strikes in a simple factories, Elektrezitätswerke, water reservoirs, residential areas, it is bombed and everything possible to prevent the reconstruction, the required raw materials such as cement, not from the border pass. Israel and actually delivers a argument that Hamas would use the cement to build any bombs, I think there is no more comment needed. For crimes like these, as also in others, it is enough now, when the leaders justify their evil deeds, so that the Hamas is doing this and that and is responsible for everything. The West puts up with peace and Israel is allowed to operate disaster. There were even extra-European engineers and scientists in the Gaza to teach people from a sand-water mixture to rebuild destroyed homes and factories. I mean, that you have to let time melt on your tongue as absolutely inhuman bypasses the Israeli and Egyptian government with the people living in Gaza and the non-stop for years and no consequences.

The Israel-Egypt tunnel systems without this, but if and destroy, and unscrupulous Dropping bombs on, even if people are still inside, I hardly even mention ...

The upper photographs were taken by "SBS data line and were recorded in 2008 in a tunnel between Gaza and Egypt.


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