Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011 - the first martyr in occupied Palestine ...

As-Salamu aleykum and Hello!

to Niketown, I want you today 01.01.2011 unfortunate way even the funeral of the show might first Palestinian victim. I normally do not present individual martyrs who fell by the defaults of the Zionist aggression Millitärs victim. For that, I would always require no question of my life. This is to us but clearly illustrate how long the "only democracy in the Middle-East" This year could hold back without shedding innocent blood ...

was murdered the 36-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahmah by an over amount of gas grenades aimed at, until then, was peaceful conduct demonstration fired in Bil'in. She was yesterday taken to the hospital in Ramallah and died this morning (01/01/2011) by gas poisoning. Jawaher is not the first martyr of her family. On 17/04/2009 was also shot dead during a demonstration of her brother, Bassem Abu Rahmah, through a high-speed tear gas projectile.

May Allah have mercy on her, her brother and all the other martyrs, and may they rest in peace.


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