Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chanels Royal Carribean

intelligence lead attack on church in Alexandria

together salam,

had hardly begun the new year, 2011, us the terrible news of a heinous crime, suffered from a church in Alexandria, Egypt. As far as I can see we have to complain on 01.Januar.2011 21 dead, both Muslim and Christian faith. This stop is part of a series of attacks in the Middle East in recent weeks, particularly against Christians in Iraq and scientists in Iran.

After what I read in the political analysis today, is a majority of analysts believe that Western and Israeli intelligence agencies may involved in this series of attacks deep are. Once it has this year given its no war against Iran, despite massive Israeli endorsement of such, it now seems to try to terrorist attacks in Iran to try to transfer the land agitation. In Iraq, one has after years of trying to trigger a Shiite-Sunni civil war, apparently detached from Taktit and other minorities in the country is now trying to attack a targeted, especially Iraqi Christians, who are murdered, especially in the Kurdish region in the north. Again, the unrest in the country is used to keep it largely destabil to sabotage a unified Iraqi popular initiative against the American occupation. For this I recommend reading Jürgen Todenhöfer "Why do you kill Zaid.

And now Egypt, in this country is doing at the time topsy-turvy due to early presidential elections, which is feared that the son of President Hosni Mubarak could be used as a successor. The people on the other hand, the West is sure to keep the country had a leader devoted to them under control. An independent Egypt and Israel could ultimately be dangerous. Apparently, now under the old formula of "divide and conquer" warmed up ethnic conflict in the country and strengthened, so that the existing government can delay their early ballot. For the strongest opposition in the country is the popular Muslim Brotherhood, which should be obvious now brought into a civil war with the Christian Coptic minority. This would allow the Egyptian government as the only available alternative profile and even move the elections completely. Even Israel and the West have a strong interest, do not change the Egyptian power.

respect of the attack, so it all Egyptian groups have unanimously condemned in the strongest terms. The Muslim Brotherhood accused the government of having failed all be the safety of Egypt. They called to condemn the guilty and said the perpetrators of any religiosity any monotheistic religion from. Similarly, said the former Director of the Atomic Energy Agency Mohamed El-Baradei and representatives of the Christian Coptic minority. A total of "foreign forces" responsible for the attack, the first law was recently arrested after Egyptian collaborators who have infiltrated Israel to Islamic groups in order to fuel ethnic conflicts. Typically, there was this attack is a matching "Al-Qaeda confession" that no one can convince in Egypt.

Sun accused the Christian Coptic lawyer Nabil Luca Bebawe that "Egyptian traitor by foreign forces involved were to destabilize for money, the situation in Egypt, by fueling the conflict between Muslims and Copts. "Specifically, he was Israel's responsibility for the attack and quoted the former Israeli intelligence chief, Gal," Israel are millions of dollars for fueling the conflict between Muslims and Copts in Egypt, and is successful! "

Whoever perpetrated this attack has the Palestine blog it condemns and hereby attests its solidarity with the Arab Christians, both in Egypt as in Iraq!


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